I grew up in Brooklyn, NY, currently living in New Jersey with my family. My husband and I have twins in college. A daughter, Taylor and son, Troy. Oh, can’t forget about our Shih Tzu, Milo. Family is everything to me. Being a Mom, Wife, Caregiver and working in Corporate America, finally by the age of 50 I decided to focus on me. It felt ok to invest in me, spend time with me, I was searching for my identity. I read books, listened to podcasts, followed people and organizations that inspired me. One day I joined Martha Beck’s Gathering Room on Facebook. Eventually this led me to take her Wayfinder Life Coach Training. The tools and resources put so many of my thoughts into perspective. I was ready to do “The Work”. For me that meant transformation. Exactly why I chose the butterfly as my theme. I asked myself the hard questions and challenged myself to the uncomfortable conversations. Through this I allowed myself to experience a multitude of emotions but ultimately, it was my understanding of Joy and “Journey to Happiness”
As your Life Coach we will work together to navigate through the cycle of change and facilitate self-growth, when you least expect it.